A couple of months ago I wrote about Leadership in Ubuntu Community.
The take I got from it in IRC was very well received. Then life hit and I didn’t do anything about it. I was hoping that from the talks at UDS-O and the conversations I have had that something would have happened during this release cycle.
Well, we (community) have decided to do something about it. We want to start building a curriculum for an Ubuntu Leadership team. This is going to be a growing project and we want to have off the ground and running by the end of the Ubuntu-P cycle.
During my last post, there was a concern that this would become a mandatory system to become a leader within Ubuntu. No. I want to make that very clear right here. The goal of Ubuntu Leadership is to be a place where people can learn what it takes to become a leader, allow leaders to become better leaders and explain what Ubuntu expects from it’s leaders in the Leadership Code of Conduct.
We will also showcase the differences between the different types of leadership styles. They all have their own challenges and approaches. There is also a challenge where we have paid employees and volunteers working side by side on the same projects. This opens a few more doors of where some more unique leadership skills is required.
As we build and grow I am confident that we can become a dream come true for several people within Ubuntu and the Community at large. If you would like to help get this project up and running, please contact me. I have already started drafting some ideas and I would love any and all involvement.
I will be attending UDS-P in Orlando, FL in Oct/Nov and I will be hosting a session or two on this subject. Stay tuned and I will be posting more plans for the project here. I am looking forward to working with all of you in building this project.